Tuesday, August 21, 2012


This past weekend, Jada and I made the 5 and a half hour pilgramage to Central Florida, where I was raised and where 90% of my family lives. Holliday had to work Saturday and it was tough to be without him, but it was the last weekend before school started and my cousins birthday meant everyone would be in the same spot at once. Score.
I have only been back about 5 times in the past 4 years and each time is weird in the sense that it feels like I'm going back in time. For the most part, things are just the same, minus a few details. Each time I've been back, I have avoided my old bedroom closet. Finally, I went through it and I am so glad that I did. I forgot about how thrifty I use to be and all my treasures. It was like I had hit the jackpot and suddenly the need to go shopping ceased. I found a LOT of fun things I forgot I ever owned.
I can't show e v e r y t h i n g  but heres a few.

This thing has got some serious play and I am looking forward to putting it back to work
A painted gift from a dear friend. Mostly used to hang out and look neat and photo shoots. I wore them to a Theatre Showcase in the twelfth grade.
Coil Pottery project. Freshman year. Pen holder
I think I may have bought this for like 5 dollars at a thrift store. Used to store art supplies.
Senior Year Homecoming Shoes! I wore these with a brown and gold, above the knee dress. I looked great :)
I found a bunch of baby doll tops tooooo! 

Amazing how much stuff fit in that closet and after coming back with a trunk full, there is still so much to sort through.

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