Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pizza My Heart

Holliday and I talk about owning a Pizza Cafe in the not so near future. Not so near whatsoever. But for now, talking about what it'll look like and names is pretty fun to talk about. Holliday worked at Dominos Pizza as a teenager so of course this makes him an expert in pizza making? We thought of the names "Pizza My Heart" and "Pizza Cake" recently but unfortunately, both were taken. It sucks when you think you're being extra original and creative and turns out you aren't the only one to come up with the same idea.

On Wednesdays, we usually make homemade pizza. The pie we made last week was definitely not something we would serve at a Pizza Cafe or brag about haha. Though it was probably the best tasting one we have made to date, it was not pretty. A lot of times I notice, on super fancy blogs, that everything looks a little too picture perfect, whether it be a DIY home project, hair style, or food recipe. I have to wonder, are all of these things really that nice? Are they that nice on the first try? How many times did you have to make that? Anyways, here is a Holliday home pizza. Lacking points in aesthetics but none in taste.

Sasha wants to help :)

Hoping that tonight's pizza comes out less of a mess :)
Happy Hump Day!

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