I have only been back about 5 times in the past 4 years and each time is weird in the sense that it feels like I'm going back in time. For the most part, things are just the same, minus a few details. Each time I've been back, I have avoided my old bedroom closet. Finally, I went through it and I am so glad that I did. I forgot about how thrifty I use to be and all my treasures. It was like I had hit the jackpot and suddenly the need to go shopping ceased. I found a LOT of fun things I forgot I ever owned.
I can't show e v e r y t h i n g but heres a few.
A painted gift from a dear friend. Mostly used to hang out and look neat and photo shoots. I wore them to a Theatre Showcase in the twelfth grade.
Coil Pottery project. Freshman year. Pen holder
I think I may have bought this for like 5 dollars at a thrift store. Used to store art supplies.
Senior Year Homecoming Shoes! I wore these with a brown and gold, above the knee dress. I looked great :)
I found a bunch of baby doll tops tooooo!
Amazing how much stuff fit in that closet and after coming back with a trunk full, there is still so much to sort through.