Tuesday, August 21, 2012


This past weekend, Jada and I made the 5 and a half hour pilgramage to Central Florida, where I was raised and where 90% of my family lives. Holliday had to work Saturday and it was tough to be without him, but it was the last weekend before school started and my cousins birthday meant everyone would be in the same spot at once. Score.
I have only been back about 5 times in the past 4 years and each time is weird in the sense that it feels like I'm going back in time. For the most part, things are just the same, minus a few details. Each time I've been back, I have avoided my old bedroom closet. Finally, I went through it and I am so glad that I did. I forgot about how thrifty I use to be and all my treasures. It was like I had hit the jackpot and suddenly the need to go shopping ceased. I found a LOT of fun things I forgot I ever owned.
I can't show e v e r y t h i n g  but heres a few.

This thing has got some serious play and I am looking forward to putting it back to work
A painted gift from a dear friend. Mostly used to hang out and look neat and photo shoots. I wore them to a Theatre Showcase in the twelfth grade.
Coil Pottery project. Freshman year. Pen holder
I think I may have bought this for like 5 dollars at a thrift store. Used to store art supplies.
Senior Year Homecoming Shoes! I wore these with a brown and gold, above the knee dress. I looked great :)
I found a bunch of baby doll tops tooooo! 

Amazing how much stuff fit in that closet and after coming back with a trunk full, there is still so much to sort through.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pizza My Heart

Holliday and I talk about owning a Pizza Cafe in the not so near future. Not so near whatsoever. But for now, talking about what it'll look like and names is pretty fun to talk about. Holliday worked at Dominos Pizza as a teenager so of course this makes him an expert in pizza making? We thought of the names "Pizza My Heart" and "Pizza Cake" recently but unfortunately, both were taken. It sucks when you think you're being extra original and creative and turns out you aren't the only one to come up with the same idea.

On Wednesdays, we usually make homemade pizza. The pie we made last week was definitely not something we would serve at a Pizza Cafe or brag about haha. Though it was probably the best tasting one we have made to date, it was not pretty. A lot of times I notice, on super fancy blogs, that everything looks a little too picture perfect, whether it be a DIY home project, hair style, or food recipe. I have to wonder, are all of these things really that nice? Are they that nice on the first try? How many times did you have to make that? Anyways, here is a Holliday home pizza. Lacking points in aesthetics but none in taste.

Sasha wants to help :)

Hoping that tonight's pizza comes out less of a mess :)
Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What lies between.

I would like to think of myself as a girly girl. In my head I most definitely am, but I'm not quite sure it translates well when I put my outfits together. A lot of my clothes are still at the other house, which we are referring to as the "blue house", but I don't even miss a single thing enough to go and get it. I can't even recall what I even own besides my favorite PINK hoodie. All I have here in my new closet is a small collection of dresses, jeans and tees.
I got pretty flustered yesterday because looking at my wardrobe, it's one extreme to the other. I am not wearing those dresses unless Holliday and I have a date night or I'm feeling extra princess-like for church, and I'm sick sick sick of jeans and tees. Once a week, yea I need to slip into something like that, but for the most part, I don't like misrepresenting myself and I know jeans and tees everyday do a good job of that. I am in a new season of life and slowly creeping into mid-twenties. I'm feeling life out, changing, and my taste is changing as well.

This past Sunday for church, I was able to achieve a happy medium. Distressed jeans (Hollister), rustic belt (AE) bird print blouse (Marshall's), and a lace button up (Wet Seal). I'm not a teacher, in my thirties, mom of 2-3, driving Volvo SUV just yet, so I'm not going to bust out the dress pants and button ups everyday. I may not even dress like that then, but you get the point.
With the pieces I have in my closet, I don't know if I'll be able to put together such a comfy combination every day so shopping needs to happen ASAP. My Birthday is in about 3 weeks. I would like to go to Pensacola or Tallahassee to shop til I can't stand. :)))

Saturday, August 11, 2012


With 50s Rock as the soundtrack to our late morning, we began our first real Saturday in our new home. A Saturday that neither Holliday or I had to work or show up to any obligations. Jada has a 3 year old's Birthday party to attend later but besides that, we are moseying about the house in bum clothes while this storm takes its sweet time passing.

Speaking of taking our time, we aren't in any rush getting our previous house emptied. We got the essentials all at once and now just making a trip a day to grab any extras. After all, we do have until mid-September to clear that house. Anyways, one thing we forgot was a proper skillet for pancakes. I had my mind fixed on pancakes today when I arose, so we had to improvise. 

After making ravioli in a coffee pot last week, I knew I wasn't "too good" to make flap jacks on a George Foreman Grill. Here is how that went.

Pretty interesting looking. Not any less delicious. Reminds me of waffle fries. Mmm...

Everybody's Happy!

Thank you God, for mornings like these :)

How's your Saturday going?