Friday, September 14, 2012


I got this idea from a favorite blog of many, A Beautiful Mess, and felt compelled to join in on it. Nothing crazy and intangible, but some good goals that I can work toward weekly and better myself in a few ways.

1. DEDICATE more time to ART. Even if its setting aside an hour every other day to work on a painting or a project in SketchBook Pro, I have to. I feel like I don't use that side of my brain as much and now that I have my own studio, I can't use "not having the space" as an excuse. Also, completing a photo challenge would be nice for once!

2. Participate in a Fun Run. We live in a place where there are so many 5k's and other running for this and that events, it's not even funny. (where did this phrase come from?) I have been running every other day and I will eventually make it a part of each day and I really need to stay committed. I want to complete a "fun run" and then still have a hunger to run for leisure. 

3. Clearing out my closet. My actual closet doesn't have much of anything in it now. I can't take my wardrobe seriously enough to hang pieces up and be like, "this is my stuff". No. Stuff needs to be donated and thrown out. I only have a few things I like and I won't let it take up valuable space. This will day.

4. Read some gosh darn books. At least 4. I am not a big reader but I would like to be. I just always chose other things over reading when I do have the time. I wish I made it a habit when I was younger so it wouldn't be on a to-do list. Ha. With school, this may be hard, but I will hopefully pick up a book over a nap next time.

Lets Go!

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